Born :
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William E. Warne,
state, federal, and international government official for a quarter-century, is the Administrator of the Resources Agency of California and Director of the California State Department of Water Resources.
WARNE, William Elme,
Irrigationist; b. nr. Seafield, Ind., Sept. 2, 1905; s. William Rufus and Nettle Jane (Williams) W.; A.B., U. Cal. 1927; Doctor of Economics, Yonsei U., Seoul, 1959; LL.D., Seoul Nat. U., 1959; m. Edith Margaret Peterson, July 9, 1929; children-Jane Ingrid (Mrs. David C. Beeder), William Robert, Margaret Edith.
Reporter, San Francisco (Cal.) Bulletin and Oakland (Cal.) Post-Enquirer, 1925-27; news editor, Brawley (Cal.) News, 1927, Calexico (Cal.) Chronicle, 1927-28; editor and night mgr. Los Angeles bur. A.P., 1928-31, corr. San Diego bur., 1931-33, Washington (D.C.) corr., 1933-35; editor, bur. of reclamation, Dept. of Interior, 1935-37; on staff Third World Power Conf., 1936; asso. to reviewing com. Nat. Resources Com. on preparation of Drainage Basin Problems and Programs, 1936, mem. editorial com. for revision, 1937; chief of information, bur. of reclamation, 1937-42; co-dir. (with the late Harlan II. Barrows) Columbia Basin Joint Investigations, 1939-42; chief of staff, war production drive, W.P.B., 1942; asst. dir. div. of power, Dept. of Interior, 1942-43; dir. of Information, Dept. of Interior, 1943; asst. commr., bur. of reclamation, 1943-47; apptd. asst. sec., Dept. Interior, 1947, asst. see. Water and Power Devel., 1950-51; U.S. minister charge Tech. Cooperation for Iran, 1951-55, Brazil, 1955-56; U.S. minister and economic coordinator for Korea, 1956-59; dir. Cal. Dept. Fish and Game, 1959-60 Agriculture, 1960-61, Water Resources, 1961-66 administrator Resources Agency California, 1961-62. Chairman President's Committee on San Diego Water Supply, 1944-46, chairman Fed. Inter-Agency River Basin Com., 1948, Fed. Com. on Alaskan Devel., 1948; pres. Group Health Assn., Inc., 1947-51; chmn. U.S. Del. 2d InterAm. Conf. Indian Life, Cuzco, Peru, 1949; U.S. Del. 4th World Power Conference London, England, 1950; mem. bd. Near East Found., 1956-58, 59; Cal. Water Pollution Control bd., 1959, Commn. Interstate Co-operation, 1960; mem. adv. bd. Fed. Water Pollution Control, 1962--; member Governor's cabinet, 1961; U.S. committee International Commission Large Dams. Served as second It., O.R.C., 1927-37. Recipient Distinguished Service award, Dept. of Interior, 1951; Distinguished Pub. Service Honor award, FOA. 1955; Order of Crown, Shah of Iran, 1955; Outstanding Service citation UN Command, 1959. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi, Lambda Chi Alpha. Clubs: Nat. Press (Washington); University, Sutter (Sacramento). Author: Mission for Peace-Point 4 in Iran, 1956. Home: 2090 8th Av. Office: 1120 N St., Sacramento 14.

The Bureau of Reclamation
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Publication details
Place of Publication:
New York
Publication Year:
Subjects: |
United States--Bureau Of
Reclamation |