1949 : The New Life - Meher Baba with Adi K. Irani & Gustadji following in Benares, India. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1922 : Bombay, Manzil-e-Mee
1923 : Trip to Persia ( Iran )
1924 : Visits
1925 : Visits
1926 : Visits1928 : Toka
1931 : Visits to England & Europe
1931 : Visit to USA
1932 : Visits1932
1932 : Visit to USA
1933 : Visits
1934 : Visits
1934 -'35 : Visit to USA
1936 : Visits
1937 : Visits - Cannes, France
1937 : Visits - Nasik
1938-9 : Blue Bus Tours
1941-2 : Mast Tours
1949 : Great Seclusion
1949 : New Life
1951 : Manonash
1952 : USA & Europe Visits
1953 : Sahavas - Dehra Dun
1954 : 3 Incredible Weeks
1955 : Meherabad Sahavas
1956 : USA Visit
1956 : USA Visit - Longchamps Restaurant
1956 : Australian Visit
1956 : Satara accident, India
1958 : USA Visit
1958 : Australian Visit
1962 : East-West Gathering
1964-5 : New York World Fair
1965 : Eastern Darshan, Poons, India1969 : Dashan at Guruprasad, Poona, India- East Coast
1969 : Dashan at Guruprasad, Poona, India- West Coast
1969 : Dashan at Guruprasad, Poona, India- Australian
1949 : The New Life - Meher Baba with Adi K. Irani & Gustadji following in Benares, India
Locations of the 5 Perfect Masters who Awakened Merwan Irani ( Meher Baba ) in India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.