1936 : Tours & Visits  Overseas



Baba wearing an Arab outfit given to him by the Jaffers from their trip to Mecca. Photographed in a studio in Nasik, India - 1936. Image rendition by Anthony Zois,
Baba wearing an Arab outfit given to him by the Jaffers from their trip to Mecca. Photographed in a studio in Nasik, India - 1936. Image rendition by Anthony Zois,
 Map showing the 1936 plane, ship, road & train routes. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the 1936 plane, ship, road & train routes. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1936 - India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1936 - India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.

1936 Visit to the West Route :


Departed Ahmednagar, India by car to Bombay via Poona - 19th October

Departed Bombay ( 20th ) by the Kathiawar Mail train to Karachi.

Arrived Karachi ( 22nd ) stayed 2 days with Pilamai's family.

Departed Karachi ( 24th ) on the 24-seat Imperial Airways Hadrian biplane for Baghdad.

The plane brief refuelling stops at Gwador, Sharjar, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Basra and landed Baghdad ( 25th ).

Left Baghdad by the Taurus Express train( 28th ) to Kirkuk the same day and took a taxi to Mosul. Then by train to Tell Kotchek on the Syrian - Iraqi border.

The train continued onto Istanbul, stopping at the major cities - Aleppo, Adana, Konya, Karaman..... finally Istanbul ( Constantinople ) on the ( 31st ).

Departed the same day on the Orient Express for Paris via Sofia, Belgrade, Zagreb, Trieste, Venice, Milan, Geneva arriving in Paris ( 3rd Nov. ).

Took the train to London via Calais, ferry to Dover and then train to London.

Left London ( 6th Nov. ) for Zurich via Paris and Basel, arriving the same day in Zurich.

On the ( 8th ) took the train Paris. Drove the same day to Chateau de Galluis outside Paris and stayed the night then back to Paris. Left Paris ( 10th ) for Marseilles.

Departed Marseilles ( 12th ) on the Viceroy of India ship for Bombay via Port Said-Suez Canal Aden reaching Bombay ( 23rd November ).

Baba was driven to Parekh Hospital at Khetwadi where Beheram's wife Perin had given birth to a baby girl six days before.

Baba was then driven to Nasik and later Rahuri and Meherabad.



  Map showing the 1936 Taurua Express train route. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the 1936 Taurua Express train route. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
  Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1930s : Taurus Express train interior.   Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1930s : Taurus Express train interior. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1936 : India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1936 : India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.