1936 : Tours & Visits Overseas

1936 Visit to the West Route :
Departed Ahmednagar, India by car to Bombay via Poona - 19th October
Departed Bombay ( 20th ) by the Kathiawar Mail train to Karachi.
Arrived Karachi ( 22nd ) stayed 2 days with Pilamai's family.
Departed Karachi ( 24th ) on the 24-seat Imperial Airways Hadrian biplane for Baghdad.
The plane brief refuelling stops at Gwador, Sharjar, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Basra and landed Baghdad ( 25th ).
Left Baghdad by the Taurus Express
train( 28th ) to Kirkuk the same day and took a taxi to Mosul. Then by train to Tell Kotchek on the Syrian - Iraqi border.
The train continued onto Istanbul, stopping at the major cities - Aleppo, Adana, Konya, Karaman..... finally Istanbul ( Constantinople ) on the ( 31st ).
Departed the same day on the Orient Express for Paris via Sofia, Belgrade, Zagreb, Trieste, Venice, Milan, Geneva arriving in Paris ( 3rd Nov. ).
Took the train to London via Calais, ferry to Dover and then train to London.
Left London ( 6th Nov. ) for Zurich via Paris and Basel, arriving the same day in Zurich.
On the ( 8th ) took the train Paris. Drove the same day to Chateau de Galluis outside Paris and stayed the night then back to Paris. Left Paris ( 10th ) for Marseilles.
Departed Marseilles ( 12th ) on the Viceroy of India ship for Bombay via Port Said-Suez Canal Aden reaching Bombay ( 23rd November ).
Baba was driven to Parekh Hospital at Khetwadi where Beheram's wife Perin had given birth to a baby girl six days before.
Baba was then driven to Nasik and later Rahuri and Meherabad.