Sara J. Ursrey a.k.a. "Honeychild"

Hi, it's S.J. Ursrey, aka Honeychild.
I've been making music in Athens, Georgia for over 15 years. I've played and toured with some seriously talented musicians (Dream Boat, Dark Meat, Creepy, Nanny Island, Chased By Bears, etc.).
I have performed punk, R&B, psychedelic, rock, pop, folk, traditional, choral, & classical music. But my favourite genre is Tropical. I'm not sure that is a genre but it totally should be. I love to write and play songs about the beach and islands and deserts and the sea and stuff. One of my biggest dreams is to learn to surf. In fact, my yoga career is leading me to that, since yoga and surfing do go hand-in-hand. I teach yoga here in this awesome rock town, and at the end of every class, I sing and play one of my songs on the ukulele. I wasn't long into teaching before my super awesome students began asking for an album. And Honeychild was born.
Obviously, I'm a little bit southern, and "Honeychild" has always been a favourite term of endearment of mine. I've been thinking for many years that if I ever did a solo project, that's what I'd call it. And here I am, making my first solo record! What!