" DOCK OF THE BAY " Otis Redding
Other songs that were played to Meher Baba
The main source of the following information detailing the music played to Meher Baba is courtesy of "Mehera-Meher" ( 3 book set ) Vol. 1 pages 507-509
Alfredo & Orchestra
Medley of Strauss Waltzes ( Strauss )
Spanish Gypsy Dance ( Marquina )
Marian Anderson
He's got the whole World in his hands ( trad.)
I know Lord laid his hands on me ( African-American spiritual )
Trampin' ( African-American spiritual )
Go down Moses ( Let my people go ) ( trad.)
Charles Gounod - based on a piece of Bach
Ave Maria
Don Azpiazu & his Havana Casino Orchestra
The Peanut Vendor ( Moises Simons ) 1931
Harry Belafonte
Cocoanut Woman ( Belafonte
Mary's Boy Child ( Jester Hairston )
Maurice Chevalier
Noel Coward
Mad Dogs & Englishman ( N. Coward )
Mrs. Worthington ( N. Coward )
Tim McKew is an entertainer from Melbourne, Australia who is world renowned as the best Coward impersonator.
Richard Crooks
Ah ! Sweet Mystery of Life ( Herbert )
The Songs of Songs ( Moya )
Bing Crosby
Lullaby ( Cradle Song ) ( Brahms Opus 49 No6 ) - May 1941 - NOT AVAILABLE
You and I - May 1941
The Cuban Havana Dance Band
The Continental ( Conrad Magidson )
La Cucaracha ( d'Lorah )
Doris Day
Que Sera, Sera - Whatever will be will be ( Evans Livingston )
Havanna Novelty Orchestra
Mama Inez ( Grenet )
The High Hatters
I'm following you
Hilo Hawaiian Ochestra
Hawaiian Nights ( Roberts )
Ronnie Hilton
Leslie A. "Hutch" Hutchinson
Begin the Beguine ( C. Porter )
Jack Hylton & Orchestra
On the sunny side of the Street ( Fields, McHugh )
Al Jolson
April Showers ( Silvers, DeSylva )
Carolina in the Morning***
Swanee ( Gershwin, Caesar )
*** this song was written in the "Mehera-Meher" book as "Springtime in the Carolinas" - no such record found
Fritz Kriesler ( Austrian violinist )
Student Prince in Heidelberg
Indian Love Call
Laurie London
He's got the whole World in his hands ( trad. )
Ed Lloyd & Band
What's good for the goose is good for the gander ( Friend )
Annunzio Mantovani & Orchestra
Umbrella Man ( Rose/ Stock/ Cavanaugh - 1938 )
Ray Noble & Orchestra
Grinzing Waltz ( Benatzky )
Isle of Capri ( Grosz, Kennedy )
Written by Wilhelm Grosz & lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy ( 1934 )
Recordings :
Lew Stone & Band - vocals Nat Gonella ( 25th July 1934 ).
Ray Noble & Orchestra - vocals Al Bowlly ( 30th August 1934 ). Version played to Baba.
Gracie Fields ( 9th October 1934 )
Freddy Martin's Orchestra - vocals Elmer Feldkamp ( 3rd December 1934 )
Also sung by : Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Frankie Lane, Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, The Gaylords, Jackie Lee & Orchestra and Tino Rossi.
Vocalist : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Bowlly
Orchestra : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Noble
The Novelty Players
Happy Birthday to you ( trad. ) **Note : The video does not feature The Novelty Players.
Donald Peers & Janet Osborne
Papa loves Mama ( Chabrier, Roberts )
Maurice Ravel ( director of Assoc. des Concerts Lamoureux )
Bolero - 2nd part ( M. Ravel )
Jim Reeves
Diamonds in the Sand ( Kikillus, Gibson )
Snow Flake ( Ned Miller )
Take my hand, precious Lord ( Dorsey )
There's a Heartache following me ( Baker )
Welcome to my World ( Winkler, Hathcock )
Paul Robeson
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
My Lord, What a Morning ( Burleigh )
My old Kentucky home ( Stephen Foster )
Ol' Man River ( J.Kern, O.Hammerstein 11 )
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot ( trad. )

On December 18th, Baba, Chanji and Agha Ali boarded the English ship S. S. Narkunda for their voyage to India. Baba had taken the Paul Robeson records back with him and would have them played in his cabin. On December 23rd, it was observed that Baba wept while listening to Robeson sing Feed My Sheep – thinking of the new lovers he had left behind and their grief at his departure.
Lord Meher Volume 4, Page 1510
** Note : Video of this recording is not available
Leopold Stokowski & the Philadelphia Orchestra
Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 ( Liszt )
Maxine Sullivan
I Dream of Jeannie with the long brown hair ( Stephen Foster )
Marek Weber et son Orchestre
Artists' Life ( Strauss ) ** Note : The video does not feature Marek Weber
Danube Waves ( Ivanovici )
Le Beau Danube Bleu ( Johann Strauss )
Mario Visconti
Negra Consentida ( Parave )
Se Va La Vida ( Donato, Zemtio y Luis Mario )
Paul Whitman & Orchestra : Vocals - Peggy Healy & John Hauser
You're the Top ( C. Porter )