Buz Connor

Buz Connor has been a follower of Meher Baba since 1971, and currently lives with his
wife Wendy at Meher Center in Myrtle Beach. When Buz first heard of Baba, like many young people who were blessed to hear of Him at that time, he immediately went to India to visit Baba’s Tomb
and to meet the Mandali. It was during those first visits to Baba’s home that Baba’s Mehera encouraged Buz to always sing and write songs for Baba. With that loving support from the Beloved’s
beloved, Buz has been composing and singing for Baba ever since. Buz has produced two of his own recordings, The Glory Of Love, and most recently Open Up The Door, and appears on numerous other
Baba tapes and CDs.
Buz has been working with young people for the past 20 years both as a youth
development worker and a psychotherapist. He also helps in the running of the Youth Sahavas held each July at Meher Center.
The Glory of Love : CD & Cassette
2018 : Re-released on CD from Casette
In His Love ( CD ) - various artists
2013 ; Buz with Jane Brown at the inaugaral concert at the new Sheriah Books at Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Jerry Edwards standing next to Buz & Wendy Connors at the Meher Baba Centre at Myrtle Beach, SC.
( L-R ) sitting - Jeff Wolverton, Linda Beighle, Bevan Robinson, Bobbie Street, Jenny Zenner, Robin Reeve-Oppenheim, Kevin Dwyer and Ena Lemmon.
2nd row : ( L-R ) -?, ?, ?, Richie Blum
3rd row : ( L-R ) - Rob Bloeme, Ken Rickstad, Jerry Watson, Pilu, Duncan Guild, Buz Connor, Jerry L.
Top row : ( L-R ) - Fred Stankus, John, James Cox, Owen Cooper at the Dalwat Hotel courtyard, Ahmednagar, India - January 31,1972
Directed by Wendy Haynes Connor
Produced by Wendy Haynes Connor and Buz Connor
Co-Directed & Edited By Luke Wolbach
Written By Buz Connor
Elinor Publications, Inc. 2011