( Welsh Ann )
Born : 1889 - Aberkenfig, Wales, Great Britain
Died : 1965
Ann Powell was in the first group of English / Welsh people to meet Meher Baba in both 1931 and in 1932 when he visited England.
She also met him in 1956 in London , prior to Meher Baba's visit to the USA.
Baba would stay up late at night, sitting with his lovers outside under the stars; however, all would feel fresh when Baba woke them early in the morning. After lunch on Sunday, 20 September 1931, Kitty and Zilla departed for London, and Enid left the next morning.
Ann Powell, who was staying nearby with friends, was given an interview on the 21st. Ann had been interested in Theosophy and had met Meredith during a previous stay at East Challacombe. She was from Wales, so Baba called her Welsh Ann.
Thirty years later, she wrote of that first meeting:
On arriving at the [East Challacombe] house, I felt defeated, helpless and hopeless ... I found support leaning on the porch by the front door. The whole burden of my past seemed to be upon me. I felt a tremendous upheaval, and it did not seem possible to me at that moment that Baba was who he claimed to be.
Baba was playing quoits [British variety of horseshoes] with his disciples in the garden. He left the game and went and sat on a garden seat. He looked at me and called me over to him, beckoning me to sit by his side. Then he placed his hand in mine ... At that moment the burden was lifted and my Real Self was revealed to me.
I was weeping when I met Baba, and I continued weeping in his presence. A disciple was about to console me, but Baba said, "Leave her alone. She will be very sincere towards me."
I do not remember leaving Baba's physical presence. It was a timeless experience as though I transcended the space of the four miles as I returned walking to South Devon. Upon my arrival there, my friends inquired as to what did I think of Baba? I tried to express my thoughts to them but found my experience was beyond words to explain. The calm and peace remained with me throughout the years, until the present day.

Baba directed Kitty to return to London with Zilla and come back to East Challacombe the following evening. Quentin and Mabel arrived the next day also. Ann Powell was another visitor.

1956 ; Rubens Hotel, London
On the afternoon of 18 July 1956, more than 120 people came for darshan in the
large hall of the hotel. Will, Mary and Charles sat next to Baba, and Dorothy, Tom and Delia
ushered in each one individually to meet Baba for one minute. To introduce newcomers, Fred Marks stood by the door with a royal blue sash
across his chest like a steward. Baba distributed prasad of sweets and his photographs. Among those who came were Darius Hodivala, Phyllis (who had met Baba years before at East Challacombe), Ann
Powell, Dina Patel (Minoo Kharas' sister) and her son Hoshang, Margaret Craske's sister, Will Backett's sister, Joyce Bird and her family, Charles Purdom's wife Antonia, Milicent Deakes and Norman Franklin.
Lord Meher Online Edition Page 3976
Note : The same evening at 8:00 P.M., ( 18th ) another
reception for the public was held at the Rubens Hotel, and almost 175 people attended. It is not know presently whether Ann Powell attended this event.
Ann Powell wrote her account about when she met Meher Baba in the following journal.

( L-R ) Unknowns, Anita De Caro ( white coat ),?, Fred Marks, Meher Baba, Eruch Jessawala ( behind Baba ), Ann Powell, Adi K. Irani, William Backett, Mary Backett, Molly Eve ( dark glasses ), ?, Delia De Leon ( front ), Huma "Homa" Dadachanji ( holding bag ).

Jean Shepherd's son Kevin has written somewhat bias articles about the early English group.
Ann Powell is one of 8 English / Welsh people who's name are inscribed on the
Memorial Tower at Lower Meherabad, India.
Click on the under-scored name to visit the web page.