Meher Baba visited this location twice, first in 1931 and then a year later in 1932.





1931 - East Challacombe, Devon, England : Photo courtesy of Glow Internation, Spring 2015
1931 - East Challacombe, Devon, England : Photo courtesy of Glow Internation, Spring 2015

This property is now known as "North Challacombe Farm "

 East Challacombe property, Devon, England. Courtesy of MNP ; crn1518
East Challacombe property, Devon, England. Courtesy of MNP ; crn1518
Combe Martin map-Jane Adams
Combe Martin map-Jane Adams
2020 : North Challacombe Farm, Devon
2020 : North Challacombe Farm, Devon

A large house was built nearby to the house / dwelling that Meher Baba stayed in.

The original building is now used to store farm equipment.

In 2020, the new residency has been opened as a vacation stay during the summer.

Contact the owners to arrange accommodation if available.

Click on the following link for the farm.,-4.0213457,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPo7osJl50bLAJ7kcsdzeS-jp3HoWLo0ZT5n9RP!2e10!3e12!!7i3024!8i4032!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x486c28cef275af2b:0xffe885ad2d7b8b68!2sCombe+Martin,+Ilfracombe,+UK!3b1!8m2!3d51.1994789!4d-4.024285!3m4!1s0x486c28dcf52bbcd5:0x7b996ad0b86a77f!8m2!3d51.2112544!4d-4.0213457

Distant view of the East Challacombe, Devon, England. Courtesy of MNP ; crn1519
Distant view of the East Challacombe, Devon, England. Courtesy of MNP ; crn1519

In 1931 Starr established a retreat center at East Challacombe, North Devon (a couple of miles from Combe Martin), where he invited Meher Baba to come and meet westerners. It was at the Devon retreat that many of Meher Baba's lasting followers from Europe and the United States first met Baba. Meredith was famously lacking in a sense of humor and had a particular sense of how spiritual conduct should be, thus enforcing strong codes of serious contemplative conduct that made even Meher Baba uncomfortable.

East Challacombe, Devon, England . This image of Meher Baba was 'Colourized' from the original by Anthony Zois.
East Challacombe, Devon, England . This image of Meher Baba was 'Colourized' from the original by Anthony Zois.
 East Challacombe, Devon, England . This image of Meher Baba was later used as the front cover of "The Perfect Master" book by Purdom
East Challacombe, Devon, England . This image of Meher Baba was later used as the front cover of "The Perfect Master" book by Purdom

1995 Eric Teperman's visit

1932 ; newspaper photo
1932 ; newspaper photo
LM Vol.4 -p1439
LM Vol.4 -p1439
MSI Collection ; 1931
MSI Collection ; 1931
MSI Collection ; 1931 - Baba with Herbert Davy , Zilla Cluse & Agha Ali
MSI Collection ; 1931 - Baba with Herbert Davy , Zilla Cluse & Agha Ali
MSI Collection ; 1931
MSI Collection ; 1931
MSI Collection : East Challacombe, England - 1931
MSI Collection : East Challacombe, England - 1931
MSI Collection : Baba with Zilla Cluse ( Kitty Davy's niece )
MSI Collection : Baba with Zilla Cluse ( Kitty Davy's niece )
Courtesy of The Beloved Archives - Meher Baba Archival Foundation - Devonshire 1931 ,Meher Baba with Tom Sharpley behind and Charles Ross on right side.
Courtesy of The Beloved Archives - Meher Baba Archival Foundation - Devonshire 1931 ,Meher Baba with Tom Sharpley behind and Charles Ross on right side.

1932 VISIT


Colourized image by Nagendra Gandhi
Colourized image by Nagendra Gandhi
Meher Baba at the "Retreat" E.Challacombe, Devon, England. Courtesy of The Glow ; May 1970
Meher Baba at the "Retreat" E.Challacombe, Devon, England. Courtesy of The Glow ; May 1970


Given on the seashore at Combe Martin, England, April 22 , 1932



  "BABA is like the sun ... anyone whose heart is pure can receive the rays. Make the heart pure by thinking of the Master, and then loving Him.  


"BABA is like the sea, which receives weak or strong, diseased or healthy, dotard, sinner or saint.


"BABA is like an Infinite Ocean , and in order to realize Him, the ego must be annihilated altogether.” 


Courtesy of ; The Awakener - Vol.1  No.2  1953


MSI Collection : 1932 East Challacombe. Photo taken by R.L. Knight.
MSI Collection : 1932 East Challacombe. Photo taken by R.L. Knight.
Courtesy of Glow International Magazine - Summer 2015
Courtesy of Glow International Magazine - Summer 2015
1932 : Image edited by Anthony Zois . Photo taken by R.L. Knight. Courtesy of Beloved Archives
1932 : Image edited by Anthony Zois . Photo taken by R.L. Knight. Courtesy of Beloved Archives
Courtesy of Love Alone Prevails ; Kitty Davy - p 48
Courtesy of Love Alone Prevails ; Kitty Davy - p 48
Courtesy of MNP ; cnr52 - 20th  April 1932
Courtesy of MNP ; cnr52 - 20th April 1932
19th April 1932 : ( L-R ) ?, John Cousins, his wife Dorothy & son, Meher Baba, Minta Toledano, Adi K. Irani, Ann Powell.
19th April 1932 : ( L-R ) ?, John Cousins, his wife Dorothy & son, Meher Baba, Minta Toledano, Adi K. Irani, Ann Powell.
Colourized image of Meher Baba on the SS Bremen
Colourized image of Meher Baba on the SS Bremen
April 1932 : Meher Baba & Margaret Craske at East Challacombe, Devon, England. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
April 1932 : Meher Baba & Margaret Craske at East Challacombe, Devon, England. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1929 ; Adversiting in the magazine "Meher Message".
1929 ; Adversiting in the magazine "Meher Message".