Laura B. Boxwell DeLavigne
( Baba's neighbour )
Born : 15th March, 1889 - Anoka County. Minnesota, USA
Died : 2nd January, 1979 - Myrtle Beach, SC., USA
Married : Lee DeLavigne
Meher Baba called her "my neighbour" when he came to the Meher Center in 1952.
Laura attended the Sahavas at the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, SC., in 1958 when Meher Baba visited
for a short time.
Laura Delavigne was initiated by Inayat Khan in Detroit in 1926. She became a mureed of Rabia Martin and, later, Meher Baba. She was friends with Samuel Leonard Lewis and Ivy Oneita Duce.