Born : 14 November, 1911 - Wimbledon, England
Died : 9th August, 1969 - India
Nationality : English

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These Men of God, who are themselves the "Great Heroes" of the Spiritual Path, have at times spontaneously given expression to their recognition of Baba as He Is: they are able to see and know from personal inner knowledge The Real Being that is Baba. As Dr. Donkin points out in "The Wayfarers” from which these examples are taken, "In reading these brief paragraphs one should remember that, when on tour in search of MASTS, Baba is almost always incognito, and that when a MAST bears witness to Baba's spiritual greatness, he often does so without having any external means of knowing who Baba is; those (who do know Baba externally) have reputations as MASTS or saints quite independent of their contact or relationship to Baba, and this, I believe, adds greatly to the value of what they say.”
AGHORI BABA, a Sixth Plane Mast of Simla, August, 1946, said to a disciple, pointing to Baba, "You will see what will come to pass, and one day you will know who he (Baba) really is."
AZIM KHAN BABA, a high Mast of Muttra, October, 1946, when Baba contacted him, said: "You are Allah; you have brought forth the creation, and once in a thousand years you come down to see the play of what you have created."
CHATTI BABA, the Sixth Plane Mast of Negapatam, one of the "five favorites," said in June, 1940: "There will be much trouble and privation, and many will die of starvation, but Baba will assuage the suffering of the world." In March, 1941, in Quetta, he said: "There will be so great a calamity in the world that no one can imagine it, even brother will kill brother and there will be great tribulation; then all the world will think of my big brother (Baba); at that time Baba will draw aside the veil, and all will pay obeisance to him." In June or July, 1941, he told Krishna, who was in a bad mood at the time, "You want to leave, don't you, but what's the good of it; all the world is in Baba's power, so where will you go to?
Serve him now, he is the Ocean; because, one day when lots of people throng to see him, you may never get the opportunity of meeting him; so take your chance now."
GOKHALE BABA, a Sixth Plane Mast of Ismailpur, October, 1941, when Baba visited him for the last time, looked lovingly at Baba and said, "God has come."
KHALA MASI, a high Mastani of Seoni, March, 1939, was brought to Jabalpur*, and told Baba, "You are the Ocean, give me a few drops from it to drink."
MAULANA SHAMSUDDIN ULEMA, an Adept Pilgrim of Moradabad, February, 1942, was contacted at night, and was roused from sleep to see Baba. When he gazed at Baba he said, "In the darkness of the night I see the Light of God."
MIAN SAHEB, a very advanced Mast of Ajanta, November, 1944, embraced Baba when he came, and weeping aloud, cried out: "Khud be khud azad budi; khud gireftar amadi," a Persian couplet which, translated freely, means, “You became free, and then allowed yourself to be bound.” This is a reference to Baba who, having become One with God, came back to the world of his own free will, for the sake of mankind.
MOHAMMED, another one of the "five favorites," always called Baba "Dada." He has said many things about Baba, of which the most striking are: "Dada is God." "Dada is Master. " "Everything depends on Dada's will." "Because Dada is there the world is there." "Dada is the Master of mercy. "
PIR FAZL SHAH, an Adept Pilgrim of Kotah, October, 1946, told Baba: “No one, until you came, has touched my heart with the arrow of Divine Love. You have the power to destroy and flood the whole world. No one fully knows the limits of your greatness; you are the spiritual Authority of the time, and if I were to die I would take another body to be close to you."
A MAST OF THE FIFTH PLANE, May, 1946, was brought to Baba's house, and when he reached the gate, he said, "We have come to the garden of Gulistan (Paradise)." Baba came out of the house and he gazed at Baba's face, laughed with tears of joy in his eyes, and embraced Baba. Pointing to Baba, he then said to those standing by, "Look at this man's face and forehead, they shine as if the sun were there, can't you recognize who He is?"
* After India's independence in 1947, Jubbulpore was spelt Jabalpur-Webmaster-JK.
Courtesy of The Awakener magazine ;
Summer 1954 - Volume 2 Number 1
First Published in1948
Second Printing 1969
Published by ; Sufism Reoriented, Inc.
484 pp.
William Donkin
Published by ; Sheriar Foundation
Paperback 376 pp. and 60 photographs.
Price: $25.00 |
Publisher : Oceanic
See the video of Bob Mossman below
There are 13 pieces in the collection. Contact Sheriar Books to purchase.
Talk given at Sheriar Bookstore on 23ed Feb. 2013