1923 - 1st Visit
30th May 1923
They arrived the following morning ( 30th May ) at Bhatinda and changed trains for Samasatta and again changed trains at Samasatta ( now in Pakistan ) for the Karachi Mail train, which arrived in the evening for the journey to Karachi. The train was packed like sardines when they boarded and the heat was terrible when they left.
Ramjoo's Diaries p.199-202
May continued....
On May 31st, the
train arrived in Karachi later that
morning, Pilamai's
husband Hormasji and others including Baily greeted Baba and the group at the railway station. Baba was
Baily's sister had
previously moved to Karachi and Baily had been sent ahead to help with the
They all then went in Victoria
horse drawn buggies to Pilamai's house where they stayed. They washed and refreshed themselves. She later gave Baba and others a tour of the city and visited his paternal uncle Khodadad and his aunt Banu, who had moved from Bombay, they also visited
Baily's sister at her home.
They went for a drive to Clifton and its sea front. Kothare Parade was recently completed with fine pavilions built of stone and concrete, also a bandstand, which impressed many.
They also visited the docks at Keamari, which was serviced by trams. Many fine building were seen including cinemas and the Empress Market.
Ramjoo's Diaries p.202
Lord Meher Vol.2 p.526
The book sources don't mention which part of Karachi they stayed, but it would be presumed they stayed near the Parsi Colony which is near the Zoo & Soldier Bazaar.
Meher Baba and his group stayed 7 days in the Karachi area.
7th June
Meher Baba and his group left Karachi on the train for Quetta at 9:30
am, On the way the temperature rose considerably and the sand dust from the desert was blowing everywhere.
8th June
At 5:45 am the following day they reached Sibi Junction.
They stopped for an hour while, as a security requirement, everyone was examined medically. The police checked their travel papers, because of the frontiers people. They headed off again an hour
later for Quetta via the Bolan Pass, with security very tight all along to Quetta.
Please note : There were continual skirmishes with mainly Afghanis and some locals who lived either side of the border between then British India (now Pakistan) and Afghanistan. These people were referred to at that time as 'frontier people'. Because of the constant troubles, the British had an army garrison based in Quetta and also an air corp stationed there.
A larger display of images can be viewed on the main page for Quetta on this website.
The city of Quetta was destroyed in 1935 by a massive
They reached Quetta at 5:30 pm, 9th June and were quickly taken by carriages to a rented house on Bruce Road next door to Rusi Irani's home. Baba stayed on the 1st floor while the men stayed upstairs. Everyone refreshed themselves upon arrival.
Rusi was a confectioner and owned a restaurant so therefore he was able to take very good care of his guests with regards to food, etc. He was also an amateur magician and would perform to Baba and the group throughout their stay.
Being at 5,000 feet above sea level, it was very cold.
Pilamai's brother Rusi Jehangir Irani, was residing in Quetta with his wife Khorshed Banoo Irani with their 2 daughters. Khorshed's sister Soona Banu was married to Gulmai's nephew Dinshaw, Sarosh's brother. They had all attended Rustom's wedding and had met Meher Baba.
The real reason for the trip, was Baba wanted to meet Rusi's daughters - Goher ( 7 years old ) & Katie ( 3 years old ). Rusi gave Baba a tour of the city - the orchards & Garden of Jamasp. Baba also met a mast opposite his house.
Lord Meher p.528
Baba had sent Asthma to Ahmedabad to get his father's permission to travel in the future.
On 24th June 1923, after lengthy
discussions, the touring program was changed, Calcutta was now the starting point of the next foot journey, then on the following day, 25th June, the starting
place was now agreed to be Ahmedabad in Gujarat State.
Prior to leaving, Baba threaded a length of string to 2 matchboxes and stretched them, then handed one end to Gulmai and spoke to her through the other end and then did the same with Katie ( Rusi's daughter). The telephone was introduced in India 2 years later.
They all packed their things and walked to the Quetta Railway Station, with the steam train was scheduled to leave at 4:55 am on 25th June. The Quetta people had given them a hearty send-off.
Rusi's daughters - Goher & Katie had given Baba a goodbye kiss.
Ramjoo's Diaries p. 215-6
Lord Meher Vol. 2 p.537-9
When they arrived in Hyderabad ( Sind ), on the 26th June, they changed trains, ( the rail gauges changed a couple times, also ). Their luggage was weighed and again later when they changed trains at Marwar.
1923 - 2nd Visit
They arrived in the early morning of the 13th November. Here Baba and some of the men went to the city and brought back some sweets and toast for the men waiting back at the railway platform. At 8:50 am they departed on the train for Hyderabad-Sind that was attached to the Delhi Mail. At 7 pm, their carriage was attached to the J.B. Railway train at Marwar Junction. They soon left Marwar, still in the 3rd class carriage.
After travelling through the desert, the train arrived in Hyderabad-Sind at 12:30 pm on 14th November. Baba and some of the men went into the town to find a place to stay, while the others waited at the railway station. Baba returned and said the town was very unsuitable because it was smothered in sand from dust storms. He told the men to prepare to leave for Karachi, by train. They needed to hurry because one was due very soon. They boarded the Quetta-Karachi Mail of the N-W Railway.
Ramjoo's Diaries p. 262-7
The plan took a twist, they now planned on leaving on the 2nd June 1924 by rail to Bombay and then to Quetta.
Ghani was told by Baba to wait at his home in Lonavla and to come later.
On the 6th June, Adi had arrived in Bombay, joining the group and the following day ( 7th ) they departed for Quetta on the Gujarat Mail train to Delhi. In the evening they changed trains at Marwar Junction, detaching from the Delhi Mail train and attaching to the J.B. Railway train which proceeded to Hyderabad (Sind), crossing the Rajputana desert.
RD p.341
June 1924 continued...
Arriving 8th June in Hyderabad in the morning. Baba had a telegram telling Rusi Irani saying he and 3 others will arrive in Quetta on the 9th and to keep their arrival very private.
They boarded the Quetta Mail train, arriving at Sibi Junction on the following morning and arrival in Quetta at 5pm. Rusi pulled some strings with the police at Sibi to fast process Baba and his men through the security.
Rusi gave them lavish hospitality, which they needed.
The garden land that they seen on their previous trip was not available and it was too icy, so it was decided to go to Sukkur. Ramjoo and *Adeshir took the train to the town on the 11th June, with a letter of introduction to man called *Mobedji.
When they arrived they settled into a traveller's shelter and they found this man, he passed them onto many others who were very hospitable and sympathetic , but the land upon inspection was not suitable, especially in the hot summer. They inspected more lands by the backs of the Indus River and other locations. They continued on the next day - 12th, still inspecting more lands.
They continued to the town of Rohri on the 13th June. The next day ( 14th ), they returned to Quetta. They soon discovered that Baba and a local man had already left for Sukkar last night.
RD p.343-4
* There are no known images of Ardeshir or Mobedji.
June continued...
Meher Baba returned to Quetta on the 15th June, not pleased that the men weren't there to meet him Sukkur, his reply to Ramjoo's message before returned to Quetta had been misplaced by the station staff. Baba had purchased some land with the assistance of *Holaram and *Rustomji.
Baba had also visited the tomb of a renowned Muslim local saint - Bachal Shah.
That evening Baba and the party went for a motor spin around Quetta. Baba told Ramjoo to go back to Sukkur and visit the saint's tomb and look for a suitable house to stay.
RD p.345
* There are no known images of Holaram & Rustomji.
June continued...
On the 17th June, Ramjoo arrived in the morning, he selected a bungalow and took a 6 month lease. He then went to the plot of land that Baba had bought when he encounted a lady who similarities to Perfect Master Babajan in Poona. She was muttering inaudible words, when she asked him "Who is your Master ?", he replied Meher Baba. She then uttered "King Emperor" and began muttering again.
She had been devoted to Bachal
Shah when he was alive, she had left her family and was addressed as Mastani Mai. Ramjoo found the man that
was absorbed in Bachal Shah's tomb when Baba
visited. Ramjoo gave him Rs5/- (5 rupees), which Baba had given him prior.
Then another saintly person appeared who was known as Mustanshah. He began asking Ramjoo about his family and other from his home town in Lonavla. Ramjoo was bewildered. The man said he had spent some time at Lonavla and told him many observations he had made.
In the afternoon, Ramjoo rowed in a boat with a local guide to Sat-Bela ( Sadhu-Bela ), visiting a Hindu place of worship. He met with the head of the institute there and gave him the present Baba had given him for this purpose. This institute fed scores of needy people.
Ramjoo left Sukkur for Quetta by the 10pm train.

This place in Sukkur was to be the Baba's new seat, but many preferred the temperate climate of Karachi. Loads of trunks, etc arrived and stored in Sukkur. By the 30th June, most of the Mandali had arrived in Sukkur.
Khodadad Farhad ( Nervous ) had a fever due to Sufi the horse had struck his knee and it got infected. Even though he was getting medical care from a European surgeon, from when he first arrived. He was then declared to have typhoid. Baba spent considerable time with. On the 16th July, Nervous passed away, when Baba had arrived in Mach ( Machh ).
Funeral arrangements had been taken care of.
Mach township is between Quetta & Sibi on the same railway line. All the above towns mentioned are now part of Pakistan.
Baba arrived in Karachi on the 17th July. The following day 18th July, a large bungalow was arranged near the botanical garden & zoo, with the rest of the Mandali arriving soon. Baba also inspected other plots of land in view for their permanent stay.
On the 19th July, Baba and the party went Maghar-Pir ( Manghopir ) about 10 miles from Karachi by car.
This place had a shrine to a well-known saint and also several hot-water springs with many believing in the curing powers of the waters. Also found were many lepers hoping to be cured.
The rest of the group had arrived from Quetta including their luggage from Sukkur on the 20th July, and all agreeing that all transactions were cancelled and all parties rewarded sufficiently.
RD p.346-351
July continued...
On the 21st July, Meher Baba departed by trian for Bombay, and on the 25th July after he had arrived at the Irani Mansion it was decided that the large group that had been with Baba, to be dispersed and return to their respective homes.
Only about 6 men remained with Baba to keep him company for his future activities. The ladies were asked to stay at Sakori with Upasni Maharaj until they returned from their tours.
There were certain stipulations for the 4 men who to tour with Baba. They were to provide themselves with the necessary clothing, bedding, etc, but once on tour nothing new was allowed to be purchased. So they made their way to Poona, where this new stage was to come into effect. Padri was made manager for all the arrangements.