Merwan Irani - Dec. 1915  Poona. Image trimmed, enhanced & rendered by Anthony Zois.
Merwan Irani - Dec. 1915 Poona. Image trimmed, enhanced & rendered by Anthony Zois.






Chapter 3 :


 British-India flag
British-India flag


1.                    INTRODUCTION & CONTENTS



This web page / chapter, follows Merwan Irani's spiritual contact with Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj in 1915, including his important continual meetings with the other 4 Perfect Masters.

This page concludes, that after a 7 years stay and guidance with Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj.

All of the above preceedings took place in British India ( India ).

There is a dedicated folder on this website which features each of the Perfect Masters individually, where more information is available.


Click on images and maps to enlarge them, also click on the under-scored names to visit their web-pages.



                     2. MERWAN  GOES TO  UPASNI MAHARAJ

                     3. 1916

                     4. 1917

                     5. 1918

                     6. 1919

                     7. 1920







Sadguru Upasni Maharaj  1916-'18. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Sadguru Upasni Maharaj 1916-'18. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

December 1915


The story of Merwan Irani 'Spiritually Awakening' continues from Pt 1.




Merwan (Meher Baba) felt drawn to visit an old Hindu temple, the Khandoba Temple, which was located 3 miles / 5 kms from Sai Baba's temple on the outskirts of the village of Shirdi. The Khandoba Temple in Shirdi, was where Upasni Maharaj lived for 4 years and where Sai Baba's chief disciple was staying. When Upasni Maharaj met Merwan he was under the guidance of Sai Baba.



*  Khodu had accompanied Merwan to Shirdi and later to Upasni Maharaj's temple.




Upasni was seated on the temple steps, naked and so thin that he was virtually a skeleton. As Merwan approached, Upasni picked up a stone, stood up, and threw it with all his strength at Merwan, striking him on the forehead exactly on the spot where Babajan had kissed him. The force of that holy blow was so strong that it drew blood and left a permanent scar on Merwan's forehead. 



 Lord Meher on-line p.170 / V1 p.218




Meher Baba later stated that the striking of the stone to his forehead made him realise that he was the Ancient One. Merwan regained some gross consciousness after about 2 years, but it took nearly 7 years for him to completely come back down to gross human consciousness.



Khandoba Temple

Khandoba Temple - restored present day. Rendered by Anthony Zois.
Khandoba Temple - restored present day. Rendered by Anthony Zois.



After been struck by the stone, Merwan walked to Upasni Maharaj and embraced him. Upasni kissed the bleeding wound and took him inside the snake and scorpion infested small temple. Khodu who was standing at some distance away, was startled by what he had witnessed.


He was concerned for Merwan and what Merwan’s mother might say about the wound. He remained outside the temple waiting as the hours went by through the cold shivering night.


After 2 days and nights, Merwan came out with Upasni by his side, who spoke to Khodu saying, "Take care of your friend, make certain you see that he gets back to Poona safely".




Khodu had given all of his money to Sai Baba, but Merwan had enough for both of them to return. 


Once in Poona, Khodu took Merwan to his house, where he cleaned Merwan's wound before taking him to his home. He told Shireen that Merwan had fallen and hit his head.





 Lord Meher  V1 p.223-4


Upasni's Khandoba Temple - Courtesy of Lord Meher  Vol.1  p. 99
Upasni's Khandoba Temple - Courtesy of Lord Meher Vol.1 p. 99





 **Click on images to see map details




Merwan resumed visiting Babajan 2-3 hours nightly.


Once a month Merwan travelled to Shirdi by train to Kopargaon. From the Railway Station he then walked by road, to see Sai Baba at his temple, and then from there to the nearby Khandoba Temple to stay with Upasni Maharaj for a few of days.


Sometimes Behramji or Khodu would accompany him to Sai Baba’s temple, but when visiting with Upasni, Merwan would be alone.



 Lord Meher  V1 p.224


 **Click on images to see place names details


Pushed by his mother ShireenMerwan took a job in Poona as a clerk with a brick contractor.



One day Merwan was seated next to the driver when their truck struck an old lady. The contractor who was in the back, told the driver to proceed.  Later the contractor was arrested and Merwan was summoned. The court fined the contractor. Later on, the contractor asked Merwan to falsify invoices, but he refused and then left his job.



Lord Meher  V1 p.225-6






 **Click on images to see map details & locations




Merwan's next job was in a Parsi strong community, Nargol village in Gujarat state. Merwan took the train to the town, where he taught English and Persian at a local school, sending half of his salary to his mother. This position lasted only a few months; it's unknown as to why he left.





However, during this time he also originated the 'Divine Theme Chart’; the explanation and publication of such being was completed in May 1943 in India.



This chart is found in "God Speaks" book - p. 241-3


* see previous chapter for the Book links, etc.


Meher Baba directed chart from the "God Speaks" book. The chart flows from left to right.
Meher Baba directed chart from the "God Speaks" book. The chart flows from left to right.




Merwan during this time in 1916, grew close to his aunty Piroja & her husband Rustom, who later was nicknamed Masaji. When they decided to move to Calcutta (Kolkata) for business reasons, Merwan accompanied them along with their children, a son called Aspandiar (later nicknamed Pendu) and daughter Naja. (See following images below).

Both children were later to become part of Meher Baba's inner circle of devotees.





The rail distance between Poona ( Pune ) & Calcutta ( Kolkata ) via Ahmednagar is 2,015 kms / 1,252 miles. It takes between 33 - 35 hrs in this present-day to complete this journey.


 **Click on images to see names details, etc.

1915 Train route in purple : Poona to Calcutta. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1915 Train route in purple : Poona to Calcutta. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.


Early 1916


After 3 months Merwan returned to Poona, but prior to leaving Merwan was approached by Cavas Khatao, a wealthy business man who wanted Merwan to manage his theatrical touring troupe that gave performances throughout India.

Khatao tried repeatedly to convince him, but Merwan wasn't interested. 


Merwan returned to Poona and was reprimanded by his mother when she found out about the offer. With her insistence driving him, he eventually wrote to Khatao accepting the position as manager.

After a short while, Merwan returned to Calcutta by train.



Kavasji Palanji Khatau, also spelled Cowasji Palanji Khatao, (1857 – 16 August 1916) There is no image found of Khatao.



1920 Bombay : Merwan wearing a business suit. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1920 Bombay : Merwan wearing a business suit. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

There is a dispute on the date of the above image of Meher Baba. Some references have in the early 1920s.

A typical Parsi Theatrical company early 1900s.
A typical Parsi Theatrical company early 1900s.


78 rpm Records of Indian Music: Sorabji Katrak of the New Alfred Theatrical Company singing.

Kavasji Palanji Khatau owned this theatrical company at the same time & Sorabji Katrak was one of his performers.



1916 - Mid


Merwan's first outing with the troupe was to Lahore ( now in Pakistan ). The train journey was 1,943 kms / 1,207 miles and took almost a day to arrive.


Merwan was now dressed as a business man wearing a suit and tie as shown in the previous image of him above. After a some time, Merwan wrote to his friend Beheramji " I am compelled to do even what I do not like, compelled to eat what I dislike, forced to put on clothes for which I have no liking".  ( Perfect Master 2nd.Ed. p.35 )


After a couple of months, the owner Mr. Khatao died on 16th August 1916 in Lahore whilst touring with his theatre company.  The company disbanded and Merwan returned to Poona, and relieved to be back.



*It's not clear from which location Merwan travelled from, back to Poona.


1913 Map showing the rail route from Calcutta to Lahore. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1913 Map showing the rail route from Calcutta to Lahore. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Mid 1970s : Sheriar Cafe photographed by John Connor. Rendered by Anthony Zois.
Mid 1970s : Sheriar Cafe photographed by John Connor. Rendered by Anthony Zois.


1916 - Late


Merwan's father fell ill soon after Merwan’s return to Poona. With his father hospitalised in Bombay, Merwan took over the running of Sheriar Cafe. He was also writing ghazals during this time.



Lord Meher  V1 p.235


Mid-1970s : Meher Baba's brother Jal Irani pointing to where the Satchapir St Toddy Shop was located. Photographed by John Connor & rendered by Anthony Zois. Click on the images below to enlarge them.
Mid-1970s : Meher Baba's brother Jal Irani pointing to where the Satchapir St Toddy Shop was located. Photographed by John Connor & rendered by Anthony Zois. Click on the images below to enlarge them.





In the beginning of the year 1917, Sheriar ( Merwan's father ) sold his tea-shop, obtained a liquor license and opened a toddy-shop in Sachapir St, Poona

Exact address is 638 Sachapir Street, Pune.


Merwan would work for a couple of days per week, doing all chores required.


During this year Merwan mailed some of his ghazals to Sohrab Muncherji Desai also known as "Soma".

At some time in the year, Merwan suggested he and Beheramji go into business together, but it didn't happen due to misunderstandings by Beheramji.


In April, Upasni Maharaj was invited by one of his devotees in Sion, Bombay to officially declare his medical dispensary open. Many were invited; Upasni messaged Merwan to meet him there. It was here Merwan first met Gustadji N. Hansotia who was a disciple of Upasni. *They got along very well. Merwan left for Poona the same day by train.**


*Upasni was still living at the Khandoba Temple in Shirdi.


**It's not known whether Upasni was driven or took the train to Bombay. If he did take the rail route, the shortest journey was to go North to Manmad and change trains for Ahmednagar and Bombay. The same applied for the return journey.


Lord Meher  V1 p.238

**Click on images to see names details


1917- Mid


Soon afterwards, Merwan settled into a steady work routine of working 2 hours daily at his father's toddy-shop.

Merwan's old school friend Baily had joined the British Royal Navy years earlier and had recently been posted to Poona became re-acquainted with Merwan.


Merwan was persuaded by him to join the Royal Navy. Merwan signed the required documents, but his family knew nothing of his plans. An acquaintance came to Sheriar's shop and to told him Merwan's plans. Sheriar became very upset and refused to sign the papers. He then went to the Navy office in Poona and had Merwan's name removed from the list. Baily was now not in favour with Sheriar's family.


Baily was soon transferred to Aden ( Yemen ).


Lord Meher  V1 p.240-1


 **Click on images to see names & map details, etc.

Merwan Irani in 1918



Since meeting Sai Baba & Upasni Maharaj in December 1915, Merwan began a grim habit of striking his forehead against the hard floor surface of his bedroom. He would collapse, wipe away the blood and cover his forehead with a cloth so not to alert his family and friends of the torment and pain he was suffering in his spiritual state. This went on for a very long time.


Lord Meher  V1 p.232



In July 1917, Upasni Maharaj moved from Shirdi to Sakori and Merwan became a regular visitor. Merwan was still taking the train to Kopargaon Railway Station and often walked to Sakori, seeing Sai Baba prior briefly and then proceeded to Sakori by foot.


On one occasion, Merwan was attacked by multiple groups of 4 ferocious dogs at Nimgaon south of Kopargaon, ( but nearer to Shirdi ) that ripped his clothing multiple times, but they did not bite him. He finally dashed off, out-running them by the time he came to Shirdi at 3:30 am. He decided not to go to Sai Baba.

After resting for a few hours on the side of the road until daybreak he proceeded to Upasni's location in Sakori village, covering the 7 miles / 11 kms distance.


When he arrived, Upasni's chief female devotee - Durgabai was carrying a large dead dog that had fallen in a nearby well and died. She handed the carcass to Merwan and he promptly ran off far away and threw it into a pit. He then ran back and joined Upasni Maharaj.

No-one knew of his previous encounter with the dogs.


Merwan stayed for 8 days, then returned to Poona by train still wearing his torn clothes.

His friends gave him fresh clothing so not to alarm his mother - Shireen.


During this time and afterwards, both Merwan and Upasni regularly sent each other letters and parcels which for most of the time, the contents of these correspondences were incomprehensible and meaningless to everyone else.


Lord Meher  V1 p.245-6



Durgabai Karmaker. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Durgabai Karmaker. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



Historical World Time-line - July 1917


Jul 1 Race riots in East St Louis, Illinois (40 to 200 reported killed)

Jul 2 Labor disputes lead to race riot in East St Louis, Illinois - Black neighborhood attacked and burned, 40-200 killed and 6000 left homeless.

Jul 4 Troops of the Russian Provisional Government open fire on protesters in Petrograd during the 'July Days' of unrest.

Jul 6 T. E. Lawrence captures port of Aqaba from Turks

Jul 13 Vision of Virgin Mary appears to children of Fatima, Portugal

Jul 22 British bomb German lines at Ypres, 4,250,000 grenades

Jul 28 Silent Parade organised by James Weldon Johnson of 10,000 African-Americans who march on 5th Ave in NYC to protest against lynching.

Jul 31 World War I: Battle of Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres) begins, goes on to cause approximately 500,000 casualties.



Map showing the dog attack area at Nimgaon. Other references refer to it as Limbgaon- it's incorrect.  Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the dog attack area at Nimgaon. Other references refer to it as Limbgaon- it's incorrect. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.

1917 cont.


Rustom ( Masaji ) and his family returned from Calcutta and moved into a house next Bhopal House, Merwan's home.

Rustom's wife Piroja died soon afterwards from complications of her asthmatic condition.


Merwan insisted that he was to take care of their 2 children Naja ( 10 ) and Aspandiar - [ later known as Pendu ] ( 14 ) and that they were his responsibilty and informed Rustom of his decision.


* Image of these individuals appear towards the start of this webpage.


Lord Meher  V1 p.247


Merwan continued to visit Babajan and she would often tell her followers how great Merwan was, saying " He is my son, my beloved son......He is why I am here in Poona..... One day my son will shake the world. You have no idea of his greatness."


Lord Meher  V1 p.248



Map showing the close-up of the Shirdi-Sakori area. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the close-up of the Shirdi-Sakori area. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the railway & road routes to Sakori. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the railway & road routes to Sakori. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



When Upasni Maharaj moved from Shirdi to Sakori, the train stop at Chitali was located closer to Sakori than going to Kopargaon. See map above showing the train and road routes taken to visit Upasni's abode.


 See maps above.





 On 1st February, Khodu and his wife Naja had a son - Dinshaw.

Merwan visited them in hospital and he called Dinshaw his "First disciple".


Lord Meher  V1 p.249


Khodu and his wife Naja with their baby boy - Dinshaw. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Khodu and his wife Naja with their baby boy - Dinshaw. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.



In mid-1918Merwan's mother - Shireen offered Beheramji an advance of half the money that was needed in order for him to open another toddy shop, but only on the condition that Beheramji make Merwan's his partner. Beheramji accepted the offer and on the 1st August he procured a liquor licence in his name and in partnership with Merwan.




The new shop was at 723 Kasba Peth Road on a fishing wharf next to the Mutha River, in a fishing community.


Merwan worked from 6am till noon, doing all the jobs required, but would often question the worth of money. Beheramji did not argue.



Their toddy shop became a refuge for alcoholics, vagrants and beggars with Merwan handing out money to many of them. He started to become popular and he was now referred to as "Merwanji" signifying respect.


After a year of running his own shop, Merwan eventually became a silent partner.


Meanwhile, Merwanji was coming down through the subtle planes to normal gross consciousness.


Lord Meher  V1 p.249-50




 1976 : Vacant site of the Kasba Peth Toddy Shop in Poona -Original B/W photo taken by John Connor. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1976 : Vacant site of the Kasba Peth Toddy Shop in Poona -Original B/W photo taken by John Connor. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1916 : Close-up of Merwan from the family photo. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1916 : Close-up of Merwan from the family photo. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois
 1916 : ( L-R) Merwan ( Meher Baba ), Beheram (standing), Uncle Khodadad (Baba's paternal uncle), Jal ( standing ), Adi Jrn, Shireen and Jamshed.
1916 : ( L-R) Merwan ( Meher Baba ), Beheram (standing), Uncle Khodadad (Baba's paternal uncle), Jal ( standing ), Adi Jrn, Shireen and Jamshed.

continued .....


Two men started to frequent Merwanji's life ; Patel ( Sadashiv G. Shelke aka Sadashiv Patel ) & Sayyed Saheb Pirzade. Patel was 5 years older and lived upstairs of the toddy shop. He didn't realize that Merwan was spiritually inclined, but, Merwan started to take either of them to Upasni Maharaj and they soon became their messengers, delivering letters, parcels, etc.


Merwan's head pounding continued and eventually his mother caught him in the act and she was terribly upset. She cursed the holy people who had made her son act in this way.


Lord Meher  V1 p.252


  **Click on images to see names, etc.

        Sadashiv Patel                       Sayyed Saheb Pirzade                         Munshi R. A. Rahim




Merwanji started to go to the home of Munshi Shaikh Abdur Rahim ( pictured far right above) a 42 y.o. and a storekeeper at the Public Government Department in Poona, after his assistant, Sayyed Saheb, introduced them. Munshi became increasingly close to him. 





A room was rented 'near' their toddy shop, so they could use it for worship. It had a small altar with images of the spiritual masters especially of Upasni Maharaj. ( see image below )

The Hindus and Muslims would perform the artis and qawalli songs and Merwanji would often accompany them on an Indian drum - dholak.


 Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois
 1922 Kasha Peth, Poona : Feb25, 1922 - Merwanji seated wearing turban. Glow Int. mag. 2012 Spring p 18. Image enhanced by Anthony Zois.
1922 Kasha Peth, Poona : Feb25, 1922 - Merwanji seated wearing turban. Glow Int. mag. 2012 Spring p 18. Image enhanced by Anthony Zois.
 1922 : Meher Seth ( Meher Baba ). Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1922 : Meher Seth ( Meher Baba ). Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
 1976 : Kasba Peth bhajan room in Poona. Original B/W image taken by John Connor. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1976 : Kasba Peth bhajan room in Poona. Original B/W image taken by John Connor. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.


Sai Baba died on 15th October 1918.


At that time, Gustadji was living with Upasni Maharaj who was a Perfect Master and heir to Sai Baba's spiritual charge.



 Historical Time-line

October 15, 1918 (Tuesday)




In December, Upasni told Gustadji to leave him and to go to Merwanji and only to take orders from Merwanji.

Once he came to Poona, Gustadji was assigned duties and one of these was to

take full-time care of Babajan.




Because Babajan was without shelter and exposed to the weather, Gustadji suggested to Merwanji they needed a better place for her to rest and so Merwanji later paid for a wooden platform and a mattress, which eventually rotted after a drenching of rain.


Gustadji's brother Ardesiar N. Hansotia (Slamson) also joined Merwanji's 'circle of friends'.



Merwanji's sister Mani was born on the 15th December 1918, when Merwanji was 24 years old.

He visited his mother Shireen in hospital and he said " She is fortunate, she is mine ".


Lord Meher  V1 p.256-8


  **Click on images to see names, etc.

   Perfect Master Babajan                    Mani S. Irani ( toddler )         Ardesiar 'Slamson' Hansotia




Merwanji's brother Jamshed married his 1st cousin Khorshed Rawatmani Irani. Jamshed was working for the government at the Military Accounts Department in Poona.


Merwanji's cousin Shah had died in Bombay, he was Sheriar's elder brother - Khodadad's son. Merwanji reluctantly went to pay his family's respect in Bombay. This was a short visit by train.


At about this time in late 1918, Merwan was now called 'Merwan Seth'.


Very often, Merwan Seth would hand-out most the money taken at the shop as prasad to beggars and sadhus. One day whilst he was handing out the prasad a teenage boy held out his hand. The boy was Vishnu Narayan Deorukhar and he lived across the street from the shop. Merwan Seth befriended Vishnu who introduced him to his mother - Kakabai.

She always called him 'Deva'.  Soon, he would on most days, have lunch which she prepared for him. They would become lifetime devotees of Meher Baba.


Lord Meher  V1 p.263 & 266-7-8


Rusi Irani & his wife Khorshed R. Irani, possibly taken at the time of their marriage. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Rusi Irani & his wife Khorshed R. Irani, possibly taken at the time of their marriage. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

Vishnu N. Deorukhar                       Kakabai Deorukhar                     Arjun D. Supekar


Arjun Dagdu Supekar owned a tobacco shop near Merwan Seth's toddy shop. The close proximity of the store played a role in Merwan Seth starting to chew ‘paan’. They had many conversations about business and family.


**Paan is a preparation combining betel leaf with areca nut widely consumed widely for its stimulant effects.


Map showing the rail route from Poona to Bombay. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the rail route from Poona to Bombay. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.





During 1919, Merwan Seth went to Bombay by train and met a young man in the street named Khodadad Farhad Irani, an inspiring actor, who couldn't find work. Merwan Seth offered him work in his film company ( which he didn't have ) and took him back to Poona with him.

Merwan Seth told Khodadad Farhad Irani to work in the toddy shop; the job was only temporary but soon Khodadad forgot about his acting ambitions. He was nicknamed "Nervous" because he was always uneasy, very nervous in Merwan Seth presence!



Upasni Maharaj mentioned Merwan Seth to his followers, including Gulmai Irani, who was a close devotee of his. Gulmai was from Ahmednagar, married to Khan Saheb Kaikhushru Sarosh Irani (1) a successful businessman. She was suffering from severe depression and alienation.


Gulmai had came to Upasni after the following incidents.



Merwan Seth's uncle Rustom (Masaji) was now in Poona and worked in a liquor store owned by Mr. Kaikhushru (3). The owner's sister, Gulnar, who suffered a skin disease along with \Rustom told Gulnar about Upasni in Sakori. Soon after Gulnar left for Upasni's blessing (darshan) and she was cured, for in short time, thereafter, the skin disease disappeared. Gulnar knew Gulmai and told her about this cure.


Gulmai refused to go to see him, because she feared her husband would not approve of a Hindu Master.




In August 1919, Gulmai's sister Soona and her husband Kaikhushru Masa (2) arrived at Ahmednager from Bombay to visit their in-laws. Kaikhushru (2) had been to Shirdi and learned of Upasni Maharaj and went to Sakori. Here he saw Merwan Seth and had a divine experience of his manifestation.




Soona, Gulnar & Kaikhushru Masa (2) went to see Upasni and told him about GulmaiUpasni told them to leave it up to him; saying that he would help her. After several weeks of persuasions, she relented and agreed to visit Upasni, accompanied by male family members and friends.


In time, after continuous visits she too was cured of her ailments.


Whilst visiting Sakori, she met Merwan Seth and soon became close to him.




Lord Meher  V1 p.271-8

*** There is no image of Gulnar or Mr. Kaikhushru (3) from Poona.


  **Click on images to see names, etc.


On one occasion when Gulmai was visiting Upasni Maharaj in Sakori, he cryptically said

" Your Zarathustra is here.......I am closely linked with Zoroastrians though I was raised a Hindu and in the future, they will flock to me in large numbers."

He then told her to go back to her husband in Ahmednager and to come to him whenever she needed. "My nazar is always on you " he said.


Gulmai and her party left Sakori for the nearby Chitali train station. Merwan Seth who followed in a bullock cart accompanied her. While they waited for the train at the station, Merwan Seth handed Gulmai a book on God and told her to read it at home.



At Belapur, he and Beheramji left the train and told the others that they were going to visit Tajuddin Baba in Nagpur and remarked that he was a great master.

The rest of the group continued to Ahmednagar.



After many visits to Upasni, Gulmai grew closer and closer to Merwan Seth learning of his spiritual experiences, etc. She became convinced that he was the spiritual heir of Sadguru Upasni Maharaj.



During 1919Merwan Seth initiated the building of a small temple, for performing his Upasni Maharaj's arti, in Sakori.  Along with Gulmai, he paid for the Hindu feasts.


This was the first building for Upasni Maharaj. Over the following years and decades many fine buildings were erected for him.


Lord Meher  V1 p.278-90


Late 1921 : Merwan Seth  ( 1919-1920 ). Image cropped and rendered by Anthony Zois.
Late 1921 : Merwan Seth ( 1919-1920 ). Image cropped and rendered by Anthony Zois.


Later in 1919Upasni Maharaj informed Merwan Seth that he wanted him to accompany him to Benares ( West Bengal state in British India ) with him to the great sacrificial fire 'Maha Yagna'. Merwan Seth and his friend Sadashiv followed Upasni's in another train.


They stayed at the Mahadev Hindu Temple for 11 days with Merwan Seth organizing the food and meals for the masses. At one point by the Ganges River about 12,000 poor people and sadhus were fed, in honour of Upasni's master Sai Baba, who passed away a year earlier in Shirdi. There were tensions between Upasni and the hard core Brahmins with Upasni having the last word.


The journey from Chitali ( near Sakori ) to Benares took about 20-22 hours.


Lord Meher  V1 p.284-5




1911 Map shows the rail route taken from Belapur to Benares - marked in purple. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1911 Map shows the rail route taken from Belapur to Benares - marked in purple. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



At the conclusion of this event, Upasni told Merwan Seth and Sadashiv to travel from Benares by train to Puri on the East Coast, in Odessa State. He wanted them to visit the Jagannath Temple in Puri. Upasni returned by train to Chitali R.Station and then by road to Sakori. The trip from Benares to Jagannath Puri took about 21 hours.


Merwan Seth and Sadashiv stayed at a Hindu rest house - dharmashala and Merwan Seth registered in the name Jagat Narayan ( Lord of the Universe ). This place was only for Hindu travellers and the priest who supervised the premises was satisfied by Merwan Seth's odd appearance and his clothing. They both took darshan at the Temple and then took the train west to Khargpur in West Bengal. The trip from Jagannath Puri to Khargpur took about 6-8 hours.


Lord Meher  V1 p.286



Jagannath Temple, Puri
Jagannath Temple, Puri
1911 Map shows the rail route between Benares and Jagannath Puri. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1911 Map shows the rail route between Benares and Jagannath Puri. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



In Khargpur, Merwan Seth and Sadashiv were met by some of Upasni Maharaj's devotees. Upasni had many years earlier stayed in this town. The devotees took them both to the Harijan ( slums ) neighbourhood and to their humble homes. The same day, they took the train to Nagpur which took about 16 hours.




Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Map shows the rail route between Jagannath Puri & Khargpur. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the rail route between Jagannath Puri & Khargpur. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



When Merwan Seth and Sadashiv arrived at Nagpur Railway Station, Merwan Seth instructed Sadashiv to take flowers to be presented to Tajuddin Baba ( Taj ) at his temple at Vaki Shariff some 21 miles / 34 kms away, north of the town.


On each day, Sadashiv went, he just missed Taj, who was travelling by horse tonga. He did this for 4 days. Reluctantly, he went a 5th time after been given an assurance that he would meet Taj.

True to Merwan Seth's word, Taj was waiting and Sadashiv prostrated before him.

Taj inquired, "For 4 days you have been put to much trouble, but today I was waiting just for you to arrive. Do you know why I wasn't here ? ".


Tujaddin then showed a picture of Merwan Seth remarking, " This Heavenly Rose was calling me for the past 4 days, but he was also sending you to me ! Today the Heavenly Rose did not call me, so I am now able to meet you."


Lord Meher  V1 p.287


1911 Map shows the rail route between Khargpur & Nagpur. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
1911 Map shows the rail route between Khargpur & Nagpur. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



After meeting with Tajuddin BabaMerwan Seth and Sadashiv left by train to see Upasni Maharaj at Sakori again, later returning to Poona after a month's journey.


Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj. Image trimmed & rendered by Anthony Zois.
Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj. Image trimmed & rendered by Anthony Zois.




After a few days, Upasni called for Merwan Seth and Sadashiv to Sakori and they all travelled to Nasik to the East. [ It's not recorded how they travelled to Nas(h)ik ] Upasni did not bring any of his followers on this trip.*


*It's not recorded whether they travelled by road or train. The map below shows both routes.

1. Sakori to Nasik by road transport.

2. Sakori to Chitali R.Station by road, then train to Manmad then Westwards to Nasik.


Once reaching Nasik, the 3 walked 4 miles to the Hindu Mahadev Temple ** in the jungle. They spent the night here and in the morning Upasni sent Sadashiv back to Nasik to buy some biscuits and snacks.

Upsani could now be alone with Merwan Seth for the purpose of bringing him further down from divine consciousness to gross consciousness.



 ** Which exact Mahadev Temple in Nasik is not known. Some examples of these temples are shown below.




Map showing the possible train & road routes taken from Sakori to Nasik & return, also to Poona. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the possible train & road routes taken from Sakori to Nasik & return, also to Poona. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.




When Sadashiv returned, Upasni's appearance changed, he had became gloriously radiant. Sadashiv said, " Remember this always : Merwan will make the whole world dance to his tune! If you hold him, you will never have anything to fear."

They stayed another night in the temple.


The following day, Upasni took them to the village of Gawalwadi where they climbed the mountain of Bhorgad*. Here Upasni showed them the cave where he had sat for nearly a year repeating God's name, fasting without food or water, long before he met Sai Baba.

While sitting in the cave Merwan Seth composed a song.



They stayed the night in the cave and then descended the mountain and walked back to Nasik. Once there, they left immediately for Sakori and after spending one day there, Merwan Seth and Sadashiv returned to Poona.


* The distance from Nasik to Bhorgad cave area is about 16 kms / 10 miles.

Please note : Permission is required to enter the Bhorgad mountain area from the army or local villagers, due to the radar installation on top of the mountain.


Lord Meher  V1 p.288



Bhorgad Mountain with radar towers on top.
Bhorgad Mountain with radar towers on top.





Following this journey to the Nasik area, Merwan Seth withdrew from social contact and would stay in a dark room on the second floor at Beheramji's house in Kamtipura area ( Budhwar Peth ) in  West Poona . While here, he fasted for days.

 ( The exact location is not known in Budhwar Peth )


In late 1920Merwan Seth told Sayyed Saheb he wished to remain in a secluded place and invited Sayyed Saheb to accompany him. Merwan Seth chose the very cave at Bhorgad Mount North of Nasik, that Upasni himself had stayed in. Sayyed Saheb did not join in him in the cave, but instead lived on the nearby mountain ridges so as not to disturb his friend. Merwan Seth stayed in the cave for 40 days and nights, fasting only on milk which Sayyed would bring from the nearby Gawalwadi village.


After staying in the cave, they both went to nearby Nasik to Sayyed's family's home and whilst there Merwan Seth instructed Sayyed to telegram Sadashiv, Beheramji, Gustadji, etc., to come to Nasik to be with him. When they all arrived in Nasik, Sayyed who had become profoundly impressed with Merwan Seth's great spiritual strengths brought up the topic to change his name title. After a while they all agreed upon "MEHER BABA" - meaning "Compassionate Father ". From then on, Merwan’s name was Meher Baba.


It seemed the purpose of the gathering in Nasik was to choose a new name.


Lord Meher  V1 p.289-90


* Upasni Maharaj always referred to Meher Baba as Merwan. Strangers referred to him as Merwan Seth and the intimate ones as Meher Baba. Baba often referred to Upasni as the "Old Man".


Map showing the train route from Poona to Nasik. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map showing the train route from Poona to Nasik. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.


1920 continued...


Abdul S. Ghani and his family were neighbours of Merwan's family in Butler Street, Poona for about 15 years. He and Merwan were friends growing up, attending the same schools and college.

After he completed college Abdul S. Ghani became a homeopathic doctor. He married and moved to Bombay where he managed a homeopathic dispensary. He was also appointed an honorary magistrate - a munsiff  and served as subordinate judge in small claims court in Bombay. Hence his name Dr. Abdul Ghani Munsiff.


Lord Meher  V1 p.292


* Dr.Ghani's dispensary was in Princess Street, near Null Bazaar in Bombay.


         Dr. Ghani                                Munshi Rahim                              Abdulla 'Ramjoo'          


1920 continued...


One day in 1920, Meher Baba was in Munshi Rahim's house with many Muslim friends which included Ghani also came. He hadn't seen MerwanMeher Baba ) for about 7 years and was excited to meet him. Later, after Meher Baba left, the others informed him of his spiritual status, a Qutab / Hazrat. Soon afterwards, Meher Baba and Ghani would have meals together opposite Babajan's seat to discuss things.


When Meher Baba decided to visit Bombay for 3-4 days to see plays and movies, Baily was asked to accompany him as was Ghani. It was raining heavily when they boarded the train in Poona and after a some way into the journey, Meher Baba stated that the train will not arrive in Bombay. Ghani taunted Baba about his statement.


The train went only as far as Neral, the tracks were washed out. Again, Meher Baba stated the train would not get through. The Railways then made an announcement that the tracks were flooded and they would have to go back to Poona



Faith in Meher Baba's spiritual powers was enhanced from that day for Baily as well as for Ghani, who had been constantly taunting Baba about his statements concerning the train not being able to arrive.



Abdulla 'Ramjoo' Karim Jaffer also came into Meher Baba's contact at Munshi's home and he was curious about this Irani saint.



Lord Meher  V1 p.294-5



1920 continued...



At another time, Merwan accompanied Upasni Maharaj to Bombay  for the Hindu festival of 'Dasserah' - the victory of light over darkness.


They stayed at Medhabagh in Bombay at an unknown location.



Saint Gadge Maharaj had come for Upasni's darshan and the sang Bhajans.

Meher Baba was seated next to Upasni.


 *** It is not known which rail route was taken from Chitali to Bombay. The shortest route was via Manmad R.S.



1920 continued...



During that year, Meher Baba travelled to Nasik with Gulmai. She then travelled back to Ahmednagar.

The shortest rail route from Ahmednager to Nasik was via Manmad R.S. See map above.


Another time Meher Baba, whilst travelling with Babu Rao called at Gulmai's home and was invited to stay. Once in Poona, Baba, Gustadji, Baba's mother Shireen and another lady all travelled to Nasik by train and stayed at Sayed's house.

After a few days, the women returned to Poona , while Baba and Gustadji travelled to Ahmednagar to stay at Gulmai's house.



The following day, he asked Gulmai to accompany him to Sakori and to stay for a week until the Hindu festival of 'Sankranti'. She agreed to go.


Soon the building of the resthouse was underway at the ashram compound in Sakori.

A temple was also extended and a canopy erected for artis, etc. Many of Upasni's disciples helped the mason with the building, even Upasni would do some finishing work on the building as would Meher Baba.


During this time, Baba taught Gulmai some spiritual songs that she transcribed. At night Baba would sit with Upasni, taking notes on whatever he said. These notes were kept in a wooden box. One of Durgabai's tasks was to wait for Baba to return, so he could eat, if he wanted to.






1920 : Meher Baba's first disciples & friends from Poona. There are some who are absent from the photo. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1920 : Meher Baba's first disciples & friends from Poona. There are some who are absent from the photo. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba in 1920 in India. ( see above photo ). Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba in 1920 in India. ( see above photo ). Image rendition by Anthony Zois.





By 1921, Merwan ( Meher Baba ) was 3/4 normal gross consciousness & Upasni Maharaj was 50 years old.

Perfect Master - 2nd Ed. p.36


A daily visitor to Perfect Master Babajan was Freiny Nowroj Driver who also met Meher Baba.

She told her sister Daulat J. Irani about meeting both of them and told her to meet Babajan. Freiny later took Daulat to Sadashiv's home in Kasba Peth, Poona to meet Meher Baba to hear a devotional singing program.


Daulat asked Meher Baba about her daughter Freiny feeling ill and had a loss of appetite.

Baba told her to take her to the Fire Temple in Udvada. She then told Baba about this 40 years old lady who couldn't get married. She too was told to go to the Udvada on the coast.

After both women had gone to Udvada, they both felt much better, the single lady was offered marriage which she accepted.


Daulat's daughter Freiny was known as 'Piroja'.


Lord Meher  V1 p.297


* Daulat J. Irani is the mother of Mehera J. Irani. Mehera later became Meher Baba's chief   female disciple.

* There are no images for Freiny Nowroj Driver



       Daulat J. Irani             Freiny  J. Irani                  Gulmai Irani                        Pilamai Irani


On 14th January 1921, the Hindu holiday of 'Makarsankranti' was celebrated in Sakori. The poor of the village were given clothing and others were bathed including lepers by both Upasni and Meher Baba.


During this festival, a Zoroastrian lady from Karachi named Pilmai Hormuzd Irani came to Sakori, at the request of Gulmai Irani. She stayed for a month with her children. She was suffering from severe mental depression and was hoping that Upasni could cure her as he did for Gulmai previously.



One day Pilamai and Gulmai were sitting together, when Meher Baba sat with them and said to them " I have something I want you to understand. Every Sadguru has a spiritual mother ; Durgabai is Upasni's. All Sadguru's also have spiritual sisters too. Likewise, you ( Gulmai ) are my spiritual mother and Pilamai is my spiritual sister ; I have a past link with both of you since many lifetimes. I am telling you the fact that I am your son and I am your brother, Pilamai. You are a most fortunate woman".


LM - V2 p.333

         Rustom K. Irani                                                                                             Adi K. Irani



1921 continued...


On 21st June 1921, Sadashiv's wife - Geeta passed away. Meher Baba attended the funeral with many from other religions came to her service.

Later Meher Baba helped Ghani obtain certain medicines from America for his clinic, which enhanced his faith in Meher Baba.


In 1921, Gulmai Irani's husband - Kaikhushru had built a new house in Ahmednagar where they lived and named it "Sarosh Manzil". Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj was invited to 'cut the ribbon'. Kaikhushru's two sons - Rustom ( 22 ) & Adi ( 16[ see images above ] drove to Sakori in the family car and brought Upasni to their new house.

Meher Baba and Gustadji were invited by Upasni to come from Poona to join him. This was Meher Baba's first visit to Ahmednager. Both Meher Baba and Upasni Maharaj stayed for 7 days in Sarosh Manzil.


Gulmai's son Adi fell very ill and was treated by both Masters. Adi recovered very fast and was very drawn to Meher Baba with the care that he received. One day, Meher Baba told Adi that if he obeyed his instructions he would one day become his "Vivekananda". Adi was thrilled and couldn't wait to join his service.


Kaikhushru & Gulmai also had 2 daughters - Piroja ( 14 ) & Dolly ( 7 ) at the time.

Prior to Kaikhushru building 'Sarosh Manzil' he and his family were living in a Parsi dharmashala.


Lord Meher  V1 p.300-1



Early 1920s : Kaikhushru, his wife Gulmai and their 2 daughters - Piroja ( standing ) & Dolly ( sitting on the floor ).  Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Early 1920s : Kaikhushru, his wife Gulmai and their 2 daughters - Piroja ( standing ) & Dolly ( sitting on the floor ). Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

 1921 continued...


During their stay at the Sarosh Manzil in Ahmednagar, Upasni was always concerned for Meher Baba and he told Gulmai Irani " Give tea to Merwan. He has sung a long time. His throat must be sore from the loud singing". She gave tea to Merwan.


At the same period, Upasni also asked Gulmai to fetch some of Rustom's clothes ( her son ) and replace the dirty ones that Meher Baba was wearing, but he refused to change, time and again. She reported what happened and Upasni,  who then asked her to be his mother and to look after him.



1921 : SAROSH MANZIL, AHMEDNAGAR, INDIA.  Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1921 : SAROSH MANZIL, AHMEDNAGAR, INDIA. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

 1921 continued...


During their stay in Ahmednagar, Upasni requested Gulmai and her husband Kaikhushru, accompany him and Meher Baba to Bapu Saheb Wali's tomb in the town. He was a Mohammedan holy man and according to Upansi he was a Majzoob, a very spiritually advanced soul.

Gulmai gave some of her saved money to Upasni and was directed by him to hand it to Merwan who managed all of his affairs. Later, Merwan discussed Upasni's compound in Sakori with her and he said that it lacked any accommidation for visitors staying and he requested Gulmai for her family's assistance to build pilgrim quarters for the devotees. She discussed it with her husband and they both agreed to the request.



Majzoob Bapu Saheb Wali. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Majzoob Bapu Saheb Wali. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

 1921 continued...


Upasni Maharaj's female disciple Durgabai was the only one that Upansi told that "Merwan was the Avatar".


She would always cook for him and request Gulmai to join him.



Late 1921 : Gustadji Hansotia. Image cropped and rendered by Anthony Zois.
Late 1921 : Gustadji Hansotia. Image cropped and rendered by Anthony Zois.


1921 continued...


At the end of their stay in Ahmednagar, Upasni made a pronouncement to Kaikhushru's family about Meher Baba that he was Zarathustra manifest. Kaikhushru accompanied Upasni in the car back to Sakori.

Before Meher Baba departed with Gustadji back to Poona, he embraced all the family.


After returning to Poona, Meher Baba was informed by Munshi that he was being trasferred to Bombay and Baba said that his activities will shift to Bombay as well.


A few months later, the prohibition movement started in India and protests against liqour shops and toddy shops arose. These shops were picketed and busines fell off.


In July, Meher Baba went to see Upasni, alone and staying for 6 months. During this time, Meher Baba regained his normal human consciousness . Upasni instructed 2 of his devotees to keep Meher Baba supplied with 'paan' throughout the days and nights He consumed hundreds per day, more at night. Meher Baba had many experiences in his coming down to normal.


Lord Meher  V1 p.302-4



One night in Sakori in 1921, Meher Baba was alone with Upasni Maharaj, when Upasni remarked, "With my gross eyes, I can count all the planets in all the universes.This requires the concetration of my mind on one point."


This included not only seeing the 18,000 planets with human life, but also the thousands and thousands of other planets in different, evolving stages.

Because of the actual velocity of the universes in motion is at such an inexpressible speed that to count their number with one's gross eyes is overwhelming to the limited human mind.


As Upasni kept counting, within a short period Meher Baba said "Maharaj, stop ! Stop counting!".

Had he not stopped Upasni at that moment, the Sadguru would have dropped his body (died) within a short time.


Then Meher Baba said, "I shall try to count the planets in the universe."

Upasni Maharaj preventing him after a short period of counting, also preventing him from dropping his body.

Upasni said that he saw everything in its infinite expanse in one view; while Meher Baba commented that he saw everything in its expanse,but in a panoramic detail.


Lord Meher  V1 p.311-2


Latest image of the Universe - courtesy of NASA
Latest image of the Universe - courtesy of NASA

1921 continued...



Meher Baba's mother - Shireen tried repeatedly to get him to return to Poona away from Upasni Maharaj. She had also gone to Narayan Maharaj for assistance, after receiving her with great respect he told her " Dear woman , you are very fortunate. Your son is Jagat - the Lord of the Universe - and you yourself will be adored in time to come as the Mother of the entire universe !    Have patience, everything will soon be all right. You will see who your son really is one day."


She was comforted with these words but still disappointed that her son was not at home with her.  She was constantly been taunted by the Zoroastrian community.


Lord Meher  V1 p.313-16


       Shireen D. Irani                   Perfect Master Narayan Maharaj            Durgabai Karmaker



Meher Baba was living in a small room at Upasni's compound. Upasni's chief female disciple was Durgabai Karmaker  and she attended to Baba's food, etc. Meher Baba told his men that she loved him more than them or his own mother.


Lord Meher  V1 p.320


*** Durgabai Karmaker left Upasni Maharaj's ashram in 1930.


   Yeshwant Rao             Kamali coat-front              Kamali coat-back               Beheramji Irani


Late 1921 continued...


 Upasni's disciple Yeshwant Rao gave Meher Baba a long black woollen coat called a 'kam(a)li'Meher Baba wore this coat for many years, continually mending it with different cloth patches to cover the wear subjected to it. ( see images above of the coat )


Throughout this year people would come for Upasni's darshan but he would send them to Meher Baba.  He would say " Go to Meher !  I have given over my charge and authority to him. Meher now holds the key."


At another time Upasni said " Whatever I had gotten from Sai Baba, I have handed over to Meher. If you want what Sai gave me, go to Meher."


Later, Upasni looked at Durgabai and pointed to Meher Baba saying, "This lad will shake the whole world !"


On one occassion, Baba was sitting with Upasni, when Upasni started to cry and uttered,  "Ah, Meher ! He now has all that Sai Baba gave me ! Everything has been transfered to him now !.....The whole burden is on his shoulders now !"


In late 1921, Beheramji was called to Sakori by Upasni. Whilst there, Upasni told Beheramji, "Your friend is now perfect. Always do as Meher says and obey him implicity."


When Meher Baba's early disciples heard these words from the great Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj, they were very impressed and soon word was spreading about their own Master.


Lord Meher  V1 p.321-2


And to others Upasni said " This boy will move the World. Humanity at large will be benefited at his hands".


Upasni Maharaj sent for Gustadji and said " I have made Merwan perfect. He is the latest Sadguru of the Age. Now you have to leave me and stick to him".


At the end of December 1921, Merwan ( Meher Baba ) was restored to full normal gross consciousness.


Perfect Master - 2nd Ed. p.36-7


Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
About 1920 : Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj with his young female disciple Godavrimai. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
About 1920 : Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj with his young female disciple Godavrimai. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.



In January 1922, Perfect Master Upasni Maharaj called Meher Baba into his hut and held him in his arms for a long time and wept and said  "Ah, Meher !  My dear Meher !"


Meher Baba said goodbye to all those gathered outside the hut and swiftly climbed into a waiting horse tonga. However, Upasni's women disciples rushed forward to kiss Meher Baba's feet and have his darshan.


The horse tonga galloped away to Chitali Railway Station then taking the train to Bombay all alone. Most of the assembled people including Upasni stood and watched as the tonga stirred up the dust into the distant.


Meher Baba was almost 28 years old and he was the AVATAR !


Lord Meher  V2 p.334


 *** It is not known which rail route was taken from Chitali to Bombay. The shortest route was via Manmad R.S.

 January 1922 - Meher Baba in Bombay after his journey from Sakori, India.  Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
January 1922 - Meher Baba in Bombay after his journey from Sakori, India. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.





The Bund Gardens, Poona in the 1890s. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
The Bund Gardens, Poona in the 1890s. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.




In 1952 Meher Baba toured the spiritual locations for 3 of the Perfect Masters who played a major role in him becoming Avatar of the Age.


Baba was then led to Upasni Maharaj's samadhi, which he touched with his forehead. Baba pointed to himself and stated, "Maharaj is here, and not there." The mandali, too, bowed at Maharaj's tomb. Baba was taken to a small building, where formerly there had been a straw hut in which he and Maharaj had sat for hours together late into the night. There Baba disclosed, "This is the place where one night Maharaj addressed me as the Avatar."After refreshments, Baba and the group proceeded to Shirdi. Baba bowed his head on the marble tomb of Sai Baba, as did the mandali. Then all visited the old mosque which was Sai Baba's seat and where he used to listen to the Koran for half an hour daily. Baba pointed out the brick on which Sai Baba used to rest his head. The brick had broken just before he dropped his body.
Baba next drove to the Khandoba Temple, where Upasni Maharaj had remained confined for almost three years without food, according to Sai Baba's instructions, and where Baba had seen him first. He entered the temple and, mentioning to the mandali about Maharaj's fasting without food or water, observed, "In those days, Sai Baba was eating a lot and still complaining that he was very hungry."


LM online



The reference books that were used on this webpage : 


Lord Meher Vols.1 & 2          - Bhau Kalchuri

The Perfect Master       - Charles B. Purdom

The God-Man                - Charles B. Purdom







Click on the following buttons to visit those webpages.