1932 : Meher Baba on the SS Bremen prior to arriving in New York City. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1932 : Meher Baba on the SS Bremen prior to arriving in New York City. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


19th August, 1926


Baba happened to come by in the middle of their debate and found them arguing. Sayyed Saheb claimed that when he read the Koran or the Hindu scriptures, he found them similar to the explanations given by Baba, while Ramjoo argued that they were not similar at all. Unable to determine who was right, they appealed to Baba.


Baba said:


My explanations are quite, quite different from the scriptures of any religion and they have nothing to do with the shariat aspect of religions.


If we find any illumination anywhere in scriptures, it is in the Hindu Shastras and Vedanta. But they too are only a shadow of my explanations.


None of the great Masters in the past has given such explanations as I have. They were great Masters, great Avatars, and they realized so many souls. However, what they gave or left to the world was only shariat — sweet syrup. They only gave internal knowledge [gnosis] to their close disciples who were very, very few. What they said and what was written down into books was only the knowledge and rules of rituals and ceremonies, appealing to the ordinary minds of the time. (The only grave error that the mass of humanity commits is that they take the shariat as the goal of Realization, instead of the way to it.)


While what I give is the explanation of the Knowledge that is beyond the scope of the ordinary intellect to grasp and understand. Even though these explanations are mere shadows of the Real Knowledge, they are beyond mind to follow. What I explain is a subject beyond the comprehension of the mind and [it is given] only to those who are prepared to digest it, not to everybody. For all can neither grasp it nor tolerate it nor even bear to hear it.


For example, I say you all are God. Whereas Islam, and all other religions, claim you are servants of God. I say Muhammad was fully-conscious God incarnate, but the Mohammedans say he was only "sent" as a Messenger.


The same is the case with Zoroaster and Christ. I say that all your clapping, bhajan singing, tying the Parsi kusti and praying namaz are merely drills. Only take one name of God; give up anger, lust and greed. This is all that is necessary. But the orthodox section of any religion would blow out my brains if they heard me uttering such words! And I pity them all. Why? Because they are so narrow-minded, so shallow in their vision, and because they do not wish nor try to come out of this state-of-mind.


I say to you: Do not be cowards like them, fearing hell and the anger of God for accepting these truths which are real Truth. The very foundation of all my explanations is sanskaras, which no religion has explained. I have put it so clearly and logically. Nowhere are sanskaras explained so elaborately or so eloquently.



Lord Meher On-line p. 699-700

Lord Meher  p 834-5



        SAYYED SAHEB PIZADE                                    RAMJOO A. JAFFER