Zoroaster's birthday was celebrated on 15 August 1926. Baba sometimes explained about the past Avatars to the mandali. On the 16th, he revealed about Prophet Muhammad:

Infidels knocked out the teeth of Prophet Muhammad and he did not let out even a single sigh! As Masters, our ways are quite opposite to the ways of the world. We outwardly harass those who love us, and we do nothing to those who despise us. We nourish our enemies and kill our friends! Muhammad was one of us and his teeth were broken by stones. Look at what happened to Jesus — he was crucified. We crush the eyeballs of our lovers underneath our heels and ignore our foes. We mercilessly tyrannize our lovers and even murder them.


But no one has the right or the daring to ask us why we do it.

[When one is in contact with a Sadguru], yoga is meaningless and totally useless. What is the use of fasting for even 100 years to attain God? What is the use of dying a physical death for God? Just remember my one instruction: Remain bowed — submit to my wish. You have to become like the dust beneath my feet.

Do not desire occult powers; they are obstacles on the Path. Take a spider, for instance. It is all right as long as it remains still, but the moment it starts weaving a web, it gets so entrapped it cannot free itself. The more it tries, the more entangled it becomes in its own web.



Lord Meher On-line p. 698-9

Lord Meher  p 833



29 December, 1927


On 29 December, Baba mentioned the death of Kondiram (one of the early Kasba Peth mandali) and also discoursed about the Avatar:


The Avatar can do all that a Sadguru does. He has and prepares a circle as a Sadguru does, but he does one special thing also. The Avatar can make a person who is not even in the circle, or 'turned' to God [meaning on the planes], a God-realized Salik with special duty.


If I get the whim, I may make a few selected boys of the ashram God-realized at once and again bring them back for special duty. But for that the time must come — and also the whim. Krishna was the Avatar and he realized and brought down seventeen persons who were outside his circle; these seventeen were extra God-realized Saliks.


Let me see who now gets the apple! It all depends on love. So leave all this crying about separation and do only one thing — love me. Then I will do something special for not only seventeen, but for many — as many as I like. I have that power. There is no doubt as to that. So create and increase love. And what is the meaning of love? It means but one thing — thinking of me and nothing else.



Lord Meher On-line p. 878

Lord Meher Vol.3  p 1002